Nose work is a great activity for all dogs, and it can really help shelter/rescue dogs while they are waiting for adoption. For a little while, they can forget the noise and the smells of being surrounded by other dogs who want nothing more than what most pet dogs take for granted. A home. A bed. A toy. A family.
I’ve had two rescue dogs participate in my nose work classes in 2023. Both are still available for adoption. Let me share their stories.
Buddy is a four year old German Shorthaired Pointer mix. He’s full of energy and loves people and likes other dogs. Buddy has become a favorite at Dog Talk with Julie. He’s completed three six-week courses! He graduated from Intro to Nose Work (1) in March, and Intro to Nose Work (2) in June.
Since we were fortunate enough to have a committed volunteer willing to bring him to class, we kept going with Buddy’s training, enrolling him in the fall Introduction to Odor session. Buddy graduated September 29 with flying colors! He’s been back for a couple drop in classes to keep his senses sharp on birch and anise odors.
Buddy may not be the best nose work dog I’ve had in class, but he is about the most enthusiastic. He quivers with joy while searching. The only thing that brings him more joy is the attention he gets from students and teacher alike at the end of class.
The other dog who completed one class, my Intro to Nose Work (1), is Elvis. Elvis is around two years old and is a tri-color hound dog mix. He’s more laid back than Buddy and can be shy at first, but really enjoyed his nose work classes. He graduated the end of May and is welcome to come back for the next class if we can get a volunteer handler to bring him.
Both dogs are at Rockin P Rescue in Jacksonville, Alabama. Director Angie Persch does an amazing job with the dogs in her care and she would love to find the right families for Buddy and Elvis. If you are thinking of adopting a dog in 2024, these two guys are worth consideration.
If you are local to Jacksonville/Anniston, please also consider volunteering to bring a Rockin P Rescue dog to a six-week nose work class. You will learn about nose work and give a deserving dog a welcome break. There’s no charge for a rescue dog in my classes, and the skills you learn as handler can be used with your own dog, too. It’s beyond rewarding to see a dog come alive with joy using his or her nose to search and solve odor problems. If you’re interested, go to Rockin P Rescue’s website and fill out the Contact Us online form.
I wish you the best in 2024 and encourage you to do some small act of kindness for rescue and shelter dogs in your area. Julie Madden